AotE Devlog 12-31-22

Hi, sorry for the lack of updates and stuff. I've been pretty busy with school and haven't gotten the chance to sit down and work on this game. I plan on making a big update soon, an overhauled character controller (with actual gravity and jumping!), a new test level, and some other mechanics that will be featured in the final game such as collectibles and maybe a dialogue system ;)

I'd also like to apologize for how infrequent updates have been in general, and how the game has been nothing but a walking simulator for a year now. To be honest, I don't actually now how to code. I've mostly been following tutorials, which is definitely going to change. I am currently learning C#! 


"The UI Update" - Build 9/29/22 (Windows)
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"The UI Update" - Build 9/29/22 (Mac) 32 MB
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Build 1/16/22 41 MB
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